Monday, January 12, 2009

One Year of Blogging

One year ago I started blogging , it’s been such a fun year.When I started the blog I wasn't quite sure how long the blog would last and one year seemed like a very long time.. I had a lot of fun blogging here – I learned a lot about the fashion industry during this year and I'd love to learn more and share with you guys more! I met some really cool people throw the blog and I'd love to meet many more ( so feel free to contact me :) ) . I want to thank all my readers – LOVE you guys! Here's to another exciting year..


MaryMary-Jane said...

its a kind of b-day, so happy b-day darling!
i hope the next year will be as good as this was:-)))

prettyneons said...

Hello's...yay I cannot wait for more of your delightful musings.
Peace and Bows...
Prettyneons X

FashionSqueah! said...

Happy blog birthday! I really like the studded bracelet you're wearing, so sweet! Char x

AsianCajuns said...

Happy Blog Birthday! We've enjoyed reading ;)

ediot said...

HAPPY blog anniversary! youre such a great gal. take care

Seeker said...

Congratulations and happy blog anniversary!!!1

Here's to another gorgeous year dear!


Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

Congrats on your one year, time flies doesn't it?

Unknown said...

What a sweet little note! I'm so glad I've met you through your blog!

Lavender said...

Happy blog-versay girl.

Sharon said...

Hi there-you look lovely, very nautical chic!

DaisyChain said...

Aw, happy one year!

Anonymous said...


Nina (Femme Rationale) said...

happy 1 year! here's to many more years of blogging!

sefi said...

congratulations! wish you many years of blogging and fun.

Anonymous said...

שריי המכוערת כל יום היא מאחרת אפילו הילקוט שלה רוצה ילדה אחרת


שיהיה לך מלא מזל טוב, תמשיכי להשקיע ולעשות חיים בבלוג המקסים והמהמם שלך

אוהבת המוןןןןן

tokyostargirl said...

Thanks for your sweet comment! What a lovely outfit to celebrate your 1 year! Congrats!

Unknown said...

congrats to one year of blogging! said...

Brilliant smile and congrats! Haha :D

xoxo: Janet

Andy Torres said...

Cute outfit!

L. said...


and hello from california:)