Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13

After taking her sister photos my cousin youvel begged me to take hers too - so when she asked me today if I can do it I thought about doing something for friday the 13!

my aunt asked me to erase the photos with the blood and the knife.. so i erased them..


Danz said...

Your sister is a very pretty. The photos are a little strange, I just hope they aren't taking them seriously...

Would you care to exchange links?

heartu,kisses said...

kind of scary! i almost thought it was a crime scene!
lovely blog.

Margaux said...

haha, great 'blood'

Danz said...

Great, I linked you :) Have a great weekend dear!

Te said...

If I was your mother I'd be mad too! But if I was a fashion editor I'd think you were extremely trendy ;) There are so many of these 'crime scene'/ladylike killer fashion editorials- it's cool that you've recreated your own. Maybe you should add a disclaimer 'no brothers were harmed in the shooting of this spread' haha.

saray said...

thanks for the comments!

Te : that's a great idea! i'm adding it!

Fashion-Obsessed! said...

Hey, thanks for your comment and yeh VB is so not a style icon, i don't like her, i much prefer sienna, i like your blog, and liking your cousins red lipstick. :) hope you keep reading my blog.

Te said...

Hahaha, no problem. Now it looks ever so professional ;) I've linked you.

meliindaa. said...

thats hella intense


Thanks for passing by. Come to Belgium :-) You blog is so cool. Have a great weekend!

Seeker said...

How funny LOL, but if I was your mother I would be mad also.
I hope the kids didn't take that for serious.


Wendy said...

Thats actually a really cool shoot. I think it'd be so good as a Halloween gift to someone.

annabananna said...

i love the photos! your sisters is really talented, the way she looks into the camera on the first picture is intense :) and you're a really good photographer!

btw, thanks tons for tagging me, i feel really flatterted. i did that tag already, so i won't post it again. but you find it in our "previous posts" section :) i guess it's called "i've been tagged". thanks again, and have a lovely weekend!

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I must say that's creepy but it is creative. they did a good job of making it look like a crime scene!

CAT KHAN said...

wow she is really pretty! :)
future model, for sure!

although as i scrolled down i became frigtened haha :)

Sister Libby said...

God, that's weird. But you don't appear to be a creeper. I like the way you can see the water swirling, in the second to last picture.

Lust for Fashion said...

LOL! You're siblings are adorable! They were really into the photo shoot :)

Style On Track said...

Your siblings are so cute, they remind me of mine, always wanting to be involved :)

I love these pictures they are amazing, they actually remind me of some Japanese horror movies that I love

Ane said...

Uh, lord. Those photos are creepy.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Scary but fabulous shoot! Your cousin is a fabulous model, I love the way she looks in to the camera. I could see this in a magazine.

Mónica said...

funny! you are so creative, and lucky because they allow you taking pictures like that! it's so cool.

Sharon said...

Wow-you could create your own crime drama at this rate!!

Laura Jane Williams said...

Of course she was mad!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Definitely a bit alienating--these pictures. I can see why your mother would be upset, but it's all part of the exploration of teenage-dom!

yiqin; said...

OMG they really look like a crime scene! :/

Ida said...

Your sister is a beauty, seriously!
I am still kind of shocked by the implication of the pictures, though. Or maybe I don't get the idea quite right.
Anyway, have a great weekend!

aNNa*FrOst said...

haha! crazy!! but love the idea and your pics!

michelle said...

Wow those are insanely awesome! You are a family of models ^_^

Kira Aderne said...

really scaring...:)

a kiss

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, that's crazy! Haha!

Is that your sister? She's so pretty!

Nice shots. And great scence of style, those sunglasses you mentioned are truly beautiful.

Thanks for your comment!

discotheque confusion said...

scary stuff!
but very funny, nice to see a bit of humour, and they must have been fun to shoot.

Bluukbob said...

no wonder your mum went bonkers!


funny post!


thanks for dropping by..

ive linked u


simimoon said...

ahaha youre so funny! hope you and them had lots of fun!

Ella Gregory said...

These are funny and also rather creepy
trust mums to get annoyed about it lol.

thesil said...

Love the photos! The red suits very well on your sister´s lips.

Tinsley said...

haha i love this
im totally dressing up my cousin next time she comes over!

Times of Glory said...

The photos are great, dear! You showed her beauty, youth and innocence! It is hard to capture motions in just 2 pictures, but you did it BRILLIANTLY xxxxxxx

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

don't let her go outside with all that makeup!

Anonymous said...

shes cute.
but the pictures are kinda scary.

Tavi said...

Blood? Knife? Sounds like you two had a great time! Haha, these photos are cool.
Oh, and I'm linking you. Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

You sister is so nice and cool! Like these cool photos )))