Sunday, March 15, 2009

yet another topshop post

As much as I love Topshop there prices in Israel irritate me ,for example this kate moss dress costs 130 pounds in England and in Israel it costs 270 pounds.. I really don't get why there has to be such a big difference.

למרות שאני אוהבת את הבגדים של טופשוט המחירים שלהם בארץ פשוט מרגיזים אותי.. לדוגמא השמלה הזאת של קייט מוס עולה בטופשופ בערך 1600 ₪ שבלונדון יכולתן לקנות אותה עבור 800 ₪.. ..באמת שאני לא מבינה למה צריך להיות הבדל כזה גדול במחירים..
it make me not want to shop in Topshop in Israel, so me and my friend Carmel came up with the idea of driving to Jordan in hopes that the prices there are cheaper.. but since I know it won't happen I already have another Topshop item in my wish list that I hope to get next week.. (in Israel!!)

זה גורם לי לרצות להפסיק את הקניות שלי בטופשוט בארץ,אז לי ולחברה שלי כרמל עלה רעיון גאוני – לנסוע לשופינג בטופשופ בירדן בתקווה שהמחירים שם זולים יותר.. אבל מאחר שאני יודעת שזה לא יקרה כבר יש לי פריט נוסף מהחנות שאני מקווה לקנות בשבוע הבא.. (בישראל!)

About the dress from the post below – I will wear it and post my pics in it soon, when the weather will allow it... thanks for all the sweet comments!!

לגבי השמלה מהפוסט למטה - אני אלבש אותה ואעלה תמונות בקרוב, כשמזג האוויר יאפשר את זה.. תודה רבה על כל התגובות!


Elizabeth said...

i love that dress and skirt, but thats a bummer that it cost so much more. :[

Anonymous said...

that's a grrrrrrrrreat skirt!

Anonymous said...

Yes I hate those price differences. That's a nice dress:)

Luka said...

I love the skirt!

FashionSqueah! said...

That skirt is fab, sorry to hear about the prices differences, it isn't exactly like Topshop is cheap to start with! The dress in the post below is beautiful, I've considered getting it in the pink or blue...Char x

Sam said...

I can't believe the prices difference is so big! It would also make me not want shop there

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

absolutely love the skirt!

Unknown said...

That studded skirt is early 90s madness! Perhaps the price has to do with the extra shipping and distribution? Whenever things get to NZ it's radically expensive too.

Love + Cake said...

I don't like the dress so much, but I love the skirt! Topshop is so bomb.


diamondsinchampagne said...

Omg that would be annoying.
The dress is gorgeous though!!!
Wish we had topshop in Australia!

SHIZUKA said...

ohh i really love the studded skirt!! really love it.. i love topshop but i need one in melbourne!! x

Anonymous said...

Awww the topshop skirt is awesome, I love the studs !!

Mirelle said...

אני ממש אוהבת את החצאית. כל הקטע של הניטים ממש חזק כבר תקופה :)

Vintage Lollipops said...

Sequins and studs!!! I love it, but you're right, it's too bad about the price difference.

Rebecca Jane said...

these are both fabulous - but the prices seem sooooo much!

Fashionology said...

LOVE these pieces!! <3

Hanna said...

The dress is pretty!
I worship Topshop) Glad we don't have one in Ukraine yet, thogh, otherwise everyone would dress the same way, I think...)

ps would you like to exchange links?

Seeker said...

Such nice skirt


Sharon said...

Hi there-wow, thats just not on, such a difference in price:-( love this floral dress you got, very pretty!

Ella Gregory said...

I love the skirt. Studs are the best.

Song of Style said...

that sparkling dress is super hot... and love the floral dress from the last post

... said...
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... said...

only kate moss could pull off that dress.

i also don't like the price differences. i reckon it's because here in israel they want to make it a prestigious brand or something.
maybe in a few years the prices will reduce, it's slowly happening now. at least there are 5 topshop stores around the country now, which is a big improvement.

prettyneons said...

skirt I want LOL...=)
PeAcE & BoWs...

Unknown said...

ooh fantastic pieces.. reminds me i have a zipper topshop skirt that needs to be worn.

Nina (Femme Rationale) said...

ooooh...gorgeous picks! topshop frustrates me, too. their shipping is just a mess.

kaitlyn said...

OMG YES. i'm so irritated with topshop right now. the american prices are almost 60% marked up from the UK prices. ridiculous.

stellawantstodie said...

270 pounds!?? god! so expensive!!

love the dress

Lena said...

אני לגמרי איתך בעניין...אבל נכון שלפעמים את מסוגלת להיפרד מכל סכום בשביל הפריטים המהממים שלהם!? O_o

yiqin; said...

I love topshop too. It's so ex here though :(

morena said...

כן.. המחירים בארץ בטופשופ באמת יקרים..

Natalie said...

מה עם להזמין באינטרנט?

tanya said...

ahh I wish the US prices weren't so marked up. I'm in LOVE with that dress!!

אינה said...

וואו, אפשר בבקשה לקבל את החצאית הזאת??

מה המחיר שלה??