Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Either it works or it doesn't " - Isaac Mizrahi

Dress, H&M. Coat, H&M (borrowed from a friend aka carmel cohen). Tights, used to be my mothers ( they have a really cool pattern on them that you cant see in these pics). Jazz Boots, Betzalel Market. Bag, Vintage from mom) .


Anonymous said...

cute jacket!

Anonymous said...

אמאשלך a friend!
אני מבקשת אזכור של השם שלי

אם לא אני תובעת אותך על הפרת זכויות יוצרים ופגיעה בקניין הרוחני והחומרי שלי

Anonymous said...

what a fabulous quote!

La C.

cherie said...

the dress is cute and i love the shoes!

Moda y un poco más said...

No veo las fotos!
Un beso

Lavender said...

Love that coat.

MaryMary-Jane said...

very sweet outfit. love the bag!:-)

Unknown said...

i love your curls!!

cute blogg!

Sharon said...

Hi there-gorgeous outfit, love that jacket!

morena said...

ג'קט מגניב !!

Demi said...

thank you :) I kind of took inspiration from a post you did a while back...hope you dont mind honey!!
and cute outfit

Unknown said...

I really like your grey dress. Is it made from sweatshirt material or wool? It hangs really nice and you look fantastic!

Unknown said...

i love the coat!

FashionSqueah! said...

That grey dress is just so pretty, and I love your bag too!

saray said...

Thanks for all the comments :)

Demi : I don't mind.. I'm glad i inspired you to do this lovely post :)

ana b. : It's made out of wool :) i lov eit it's so cozy

1234 said...

ohh love the bag!

Dana (MODAna) said...

מאוד יפה, מעניין מה הדוגמה על הגרביון

Songy said...

Nice jacket!